How to Choose Hockey Stick KICK POINT for Beginners!šŸ’

This blog is for hockey players who have little to no knowledge of what hockey stick KICK POINT is.

I didnā€™t know what kick point was until a couple/few years ago and once I did gain some knowledge, itā€™s helped me choose sticks that better fit my shooting style and has definitely improved my shots! 

After reading this blog, hopefully youā€™ll be able to better determine what type of kick point may be best for YOU and your shooting style.

And in-turn, help take your shot, and your overall on-ice performance, to the next level!

Weā€™ll also match-up kick points with some name brand sticks to help make it easier for you to find your perfect hockey stick. Ā 

There are many ā€œotherā€ features of hockey sticks such as, stick flex, blade pattern, blade lie, shaft taper, stick height, what periodic table elements were used in the construction of the stick (well, not that oneā€¦).šŸ˜‚

However, weā€™ll stick to what some consider one of the most important aspects of a hockey stickā€¦the Kick Point!

So, what is Kick Point?

The Kick Point of a hockey stick can be defined as where the hockey stick flexes or ā€œkicksā€ the most when shooting.

Or, more technically, ā€œthe inflection point where maximum stored energy is released.ā€

Hockey stick kick points come in a variety of flavorsā€¦low, mid, high, and hybridā€¦letā€™s go over each one.

Low-Kick Point – Low kick means the kick-point is towards the bottom of the shaft of the hockey stick.

In general, a low-kick can be beneficial in getting ā€œquickā€ snap and wrist shots off as the energy transfer is closer to the puck.

The further the kick-point is away from the ice, the longer the load/energy transfer.

If you donā€™t raise the stick very high off-the-ice when shooting and rely on a quick release and getting the puck off the blade as fast as possible, a low-kick stick may be good option for you.

Some examples of hockey sticks with low-kick points are (click links below to check them out at

Bauer VaporCCM Ribcor Warrior CovertTrue HzrdusSherwood Rekker
bauer vaporccm ribcorewarrior coverttrue hzrdussherwood rekker

Mid-Kick Point – The mid-kick, as you may have guessed, flexes most in the middle of the shaft.

With the kick more towards the middle of the stick, you can get more power out of your shot, but may sacrifice a bit on quickness as compared to a low-kick stick.

This type of kick can favor shooters who hold their sticks with their bottom hand more towards the middle of the stick while shooting, as opposed to having their bottom hand higher on the stick.

Additionally, it can benefit shooters who raise their stick off the ice while shootingā€¦in other words, those who take slap shots, half slappers or wind-up snappers!

Some examples of hockey sticks with mid-kick points are (click links below to check them out at

Bauer NexusCCM TacksWarrior AlphaTrue Catalyst
bauer nexusCCM Tackswarrior alphatrue catalyst

High-Kick Point – A High kick point allows for more load-ability and energy transfer into a shot.

It can take a little longer to get a shot off, but the trade-off is a more powerful shot.

This higher kick would tend to benefit the player who takes the big wind-up, booming slap shots or even longer more powerful wind-up wristers or snappers.

It doesnā€™t seem there are many high-kick point sticks on the market today.

An example of a high-kick point hockey stick is the Bauer Supreme (click link below to check it out at

Bauer Supreme

Hybrid Kick Point ā€“ Hybrid kicks are said to be somewhat of a combo between low and mid kick points giving the shooter versatility in taking those quicker shots, as well as, providing power with bigger wind-ups.

Some say hybrids are more closely comparable to mid-kick point sticks, but optimized for most any type of shot.

Iā€™ve also seen hybrid sticks defined as a stick that flexes where the lower hand is during a shot.

A couple examples of hockey sticks with hybrid-kick points are (click links below to check them out at

CCM JetspeedSherwood Code
ccm jetspeedsherwood code

How can you determine what kick-point and stick is right for you?

Iā€™d surmise that a lot of beer league hockey players and maybe parents of young hockey players donā€™t even know what kick point is or consider it when purchasing a stick.

I know within my circle of hockey players…most probably donā€™t know what kick-point is.

At least we never talk about it!

The exception is the higher-level A and more competitive players, but for many I donā€™t think itā€™s a consideration.

My best recommendation for beginners or someone lacking in knowledge of hockey stick complexities is to try and find an experienced hockey player for advice — obviously right!

And, talk about what types of shots you consistently take and what sticks, kick points, and other features may be good options to help maximize your shots.

And, even better, experiment with different kick-point hockey sticks on-the-ice, if possible. You may discover you have a shot you never knew you had.

This was my case when I tried a hybrid kick and it seemed so effortless to get quick snappers & wristers off with a lot more power than I expected.

Iā€™m a defenseman and take a lot of slapshots, but have found I can get the quick snappers & wrist shots off with a lot of power and have been doing that more and theyā€™re more accurate too.

So, just more shots in the toolbox!

To experiment with different sticks, you may want to check your local hockey shop to see if they have any sticks you can test-out.

And, if thatā€™s not possible, you may want to consider refurbished or Pro Blackout hockey sticks as lower cost options.

I did videos & blogs on both refurbished hockey sticks and Pro Blackout hockey sticks.

Click these links to check-out videos/blogs if you’re interested: Refurbished Hockey Stick Vid & Blog | Pro Blackout Hockey Stick Vid & Blog

I intended to keep this blog somewhat general since Iā€™m not certified & licensed in kick-point-ologyšŸ˜Ž but, I certainly encourage any comments you have about kick point or other aspects of hockey stick performance thatā€™ll be helpful to any hockey players trying to improve their passing and shots.

Thanks for Reading and Stay Junky My Friends!šŸ˜ŽšŸ’šŸŗ

Beer League Hockey Guy

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Check out the ā€œHow to Choose Hockey Stick KICK POINT for Beginners YouTube Video!