How to Get a PRO Hockey Stick for HALF PRICE!

Let me tell you how I got a two-hundred-dollar professional hockey stick for one hundred dollars and how you can get one too!

So, Iā€™m a Beer League Hockey Player and always up for good deals on quality hockey equipment and gear. I play two, three times a week in adult leagues and pick-up gamesā€¦Iā€™m obviously not a pro, but am very competitive and do love to use top-end equipment.

However, personally for me, I’m not one to pay $200, $250+ dollars for a brand-new hockey stick!

Not too long ago, I used to build my hockey sticks by buying decent shafts, blades, and butt-ends at my local hockey shop and onlineā€¦usually in the bargain bin or clearance and I canā€™t remember ever paying over maybe $60 or $70 for a complete stick.

And then, when Iā€™d break a stick, Iā€™d just get a new blade or shaft, get out my trusty heat gun and glue a new blade inā€¦anyone remember those days? These Frankenstein sticks were OK, but then it got harder and harder to find blades and shafts locally and online.

So, a little over a year ago, in the summer of 2021, I stumbled across something I never consideredā€¦Professional Refurbished Hockey Sticks! Since then, Iā€™ve purchased three refurbished sticks and theyā€™ve performed great and I love emā€™.

These sticks are the latest and greatest models, were used and broken at the pro level, then professionally repaired to a nearly pre-broken state, but in otherwise excellent condition.

Hereā€™s a refurbished stick I purchased online for $99.99. Below is my actual order on January 31st, 2022. It’s a CCM Jetspeed FT4 Pro.

And, as you can see below, on the same website, this stick goes for $199.99 BRAND NEW!

So, what are the primary differences between refurbished hockey sticks compared to new ones?

The first and ā€œmost obviousā€ is that, refurbished sticks have been ā€œusedā€ and you really never know what theyā€™ve been through. This was my most immediate concern and I wasnā€™t sure what to expect — if itā€™d be all hacked-upā€¦with chips, scratches, dings, etc… Maybe itā€™d break after a couple weeks???

However, Iā€™ve been pleasantly surprised with the sticks Iā€™ve received. Theyā€™ve been in excellent condition and performed great. Hereā€™s the condition of my Jetspeed nowā€¦which does have some hacks and scratches from my use since Iā€™ve had it, but still in great condition.

The second obvious difference is the repair. The repairs are done at the shaft where a little part of the stick is cut-out on both ends and re-attached with some high-grade composite material inside the stick that actually makes them stronger in the repaired area. Thatā€™s kind of technical, but thatā€™s what they say!

Here’s the repair point on my stickā€¦

The only downside of the repair is the addition of 10 to 15 grams of weight for the repair materialā€¦which again for me personally, I donā€™t notice. Thatā€™d be like taping 10 or 15 paper clips on your stick!

A positive thing to note is the repairs are said to restore the stick flex, kick point, and durability to normal. So, back to itā€™s pre-break condition!

So where did I get these sticks??? I got mine at!

I originally heard about Hockey Stick Manā€™s Pro Blackout Sticks and thought Iā€™d give one of those a try, but in my research, I stumbled across their refurbished hockey sticks. And, I thoughtā€¦theyā€™re actually cheaper, high-end pro sticks, Iā€™ll try one of those.

Thereā€™s a lot more information on their website detailing their refurbishing process, as well as, who uses their refurbished sticksā€¦which are hundreds of Junior, College, Elite Level Minor, and some former NHLā€™ers.

So, Hockey Stick Man does provide a 35-day guarantee on the repaired portion of the stick and in my experience have had great customer service. 

Iā€™ve called them a few times with questions and to help me find the right stick for my style of play and theyā€™ve been very helpful and know what theyā€™re talking about.  

For me, there was a $20 shipping charge, but did receive sticks within a few days of order.

If youā€™re a first-time buyer, you may be able to take advantage of a $10 or $15 off welcome offer.

One other thing to note, if youā€™re a right-handed shooter, itā€™ll be harder for you to find refurb sticks as they are somewhat limited compared to lefties. Thereā€™re just more left-handed senior pro hockey players than rightiesā€¦so, more lefty broken/refurb sticks.

So, if youā€™re a beer leaguer like me who wants a great performing pro stick at half price, you may want to consider refurbished hockey sticks!

Iā€™m always interested in other options on a budget, so please share anything in the comments below.

Stay junky my friends!šŸ˜ŽšŸ’šŸŗ

Beer League Hockey Guy

Check out the ā€œHow to Get a PRO Hockey Stick for HALF PRICE YouTube Video!ā€œ